Tourism in Panama, the destination that will surprise you

Vista del Casco Antiguo de la ciudad de Panamá

Come and experience the thrill of adventure, the charm of nature and the richness of culture. Panama is much more than a canal. It is a country that will surprise you with its diversity and beauty. From its white sand beaches and crystal clear waters, to its tropical forests full of life, to its vibrant capital with skyscrapers and old town. In this article we tell you some of the reasons why Panama should be your next tourist destination.

A marvel of engineering and tourism

The Panama Canal is one of the most impressive works in the world, connecting the Pacific Ocean with the Atlantic Ocean and allowing the passage of thousands of ships per year. Visiting the Canal is a unique experience, where you can learn about its history, its operation and its importance for world trade. In addition, you can enjoy the panoramic views from the viewpoints, visit the interactive museum or even sail through the Canal on a cruise.

A paradise for nature lovers

Vista aérea de la Isla de Taboga a 20 kilómetros de la ciudad de Panamá

Panama is a country with a great biodiversity, home to more than 10,000 species of plants and animals, many of them endemic and endangered. If you like nature, you can explore its different ecosystems, such as cloud forests, mangroves, coral reefs or islands. You can go hiking, bird watching, diving, rafting or canopy in places like Soberania National Park, Coiba National Park, Baru Volcano National Park or the Bocas del Toro Archipelago.

A diverse and authentic culture

Un aborigen emberá en su canoa

Panama is a country with a rich cultural heritage, the result of a mixture of indigenous, Spanish, African and other influences. You can learn about its history, art, gastronomy and traditions in its museums, monuments, festivals and markets. You can visit Panama's Casco Antiguo, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, where you can admire its colonial and republican architecture. You can also get close to the indigenous communities, such as the Emberá or the Guna, who preserve their ancestral customs. And you can taste their typical dishes, such as sancocho, ceviche or rice with coconut.

As you can see, Panama has a lot to offer to travelers looking for a different and surprising destination. Don't wait any longer and book your trip to Panama with us. We guarantee you an unforgettable experience.